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If you like travelling in your 2CV, you need the

Apua-Help - The International 2CV Road Service Booklet

The Idea

The Apua-Help is a small but useful booklet, which contains addresses of 2CV drivers all around the world, who would help other 2CV drivers, if they had any problems with the local language, their car or anything else. Since 1975 (when the 1st International Meeting of 2CV Friends take place in Finland) the Finnish 2CV Guild publishes the International APUA-HELP 2CV Road Service Booklet. In the beginning it listed mainly Finns, but more and more foreign helpers have appeared time after time now listing nearly 1000 names from 33 countries all over the world (A, AUS, B, CDN, CH, CZ, D, DK, E, F, GCA, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IL, IND, IRL, L, N, NL, NZ, P, PL, RA, ROU, S, SF, SLO, USA, UZ, ZA). All people listed will give their help to other 2CV friends in trouble in true 2CV solidarity. The help is given on a volunteer basis according to the possibilities of every individual helper. Since the actual issue also includes 2CV and Citroën club addresses

The System

The booklet is based on the following ABCDE system, that means every entry in this little helper begins with a listing of a combination of these characters.
I will help foreign 2CV friends if the have problems. I know where it is possible to get spare parts (new or used). I can take a 2CV in tow to a repair shop. I know a place where it is possible to spend a night for an economic price. I will show the interesting places of my home locality to other 2CV friends.

The Next Issue

The next Apua-Help is planned to be published in the spring of 1999 for the following two years. The deadline for the Apua-Help 1999-2000 is winter of 1998

The Official Apua-Help WWW-Site

Have also a look on the official Finnish 2CV Guild pages:

The Address

To have your name included in the Apua-Help booklet mail to:

APUA-HELP, Finnish 2CV Guild
Jukka Isomäki
Mäntymäentie 7
SF-65200 Vaasa (Finland)

For the entry Jukka needs: Your name, your address and country, your phone (home/work), the languages you speak, and, if you are in a 2CV club, the name of the club. And don't forget the characters to indicate which of the shown above you are prepared to do. Tips and advice on local 2CV repair shops, spares dealers, clubs etc. are welcome, too, in addition to the normal ABCDE classification.

To avoid obsolete data, please do not mail too early if you are not quite sure you address and phone will remain until 1999.

Where can I get a copy?

You will get a copy of the Apua-Help for a small fee (about 15 FIM/10 DEM/4 EUR + postage) at the above given address. It will also be sold on the International Meetings of 2CV Friends, e. g. in Summer 2003 in Venadio, Italy.

Copyright © 1998-2024 by Axel Beckert, <abe@deuxchevaux.org>. This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License
[an error occurred while processing this directive] URL: https://www.deuxchevaux.org/Addresses/Apua-Help/index.en.shtml[an error occurred while processing this directive]?
Last modification: 03-Mar-02, 20:28 (CET)
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