Legacy web pages of Axel Beckert

Since I'm no more active at the Fachschaftsrat Informatik of the University of Saarland anymore, I have transferred all my university time legacy web pages from http://fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de/~abe/ to this interim host at http://fsinfo.noone.org/~abe/ with only minimal modifications, mainly e-mail addresses.

Most pages on this interim host won't be updated anymore until they are moved (and redirected) step by step to their future home somewhere under http://noone.org/.

Please also note that my former e-mail address abe@fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de is no more valid. Use abe@deuxchevaux.org instead.

Axel Beckert, Zürich, 23rd of September 2007

Image Index: /~abe/pictures/windoof/


Images of /~abe/pictures/windoof/

banner.png, 821 bytes banner.png (821 bytes)
banner_3.0.png, 4059 bytes banner_3.0.png (4059 bytes)
buying-windows.png, 1985 bytes buying-windows.png (1985 bytes)
explorer.png, 15088 bytes explorer.png (15088 bytes)
gates_30_240.png, 21340 bytes gates_30_240.png (21340 bytes)
handmade_2.0.png, 1486 bytes handmade_2.0.png (1486 bytes)
iedthlns.png, 3398 bytes iedthlns.png (3398 bytes)
linux2.png, 4081 bytes linux2.png (4081 bytes)
logo_virus.png, 9483 bytes logo_virus.png (9483 bytes)
microcult-home.png, 1254 bytes microcult-home.png (1254 bytes)
microfree.png, 1602 bytes microfree.png (1602 bytes)
neandertaler.png, 25138 bytes neandertaler.png (25138 bytes)
noframe.png, 1366 bytes noframe.png (1366 bytes)
nowin.png, 442 bytes nowin.png (442 bytes)
nowin95.png, 13825 bytes nowin95.png (13825 bytes)
solution.png, 10416 bytes solution.png (10416 bytes)
stop.png, 1203 bytes stop.png (1203 bytes)
whymac.png, 3104 bytes whymac.png (3104 bytes)
win95.png, 26849 bytes win95.png (26849 bytes)
windows-dde.png, 101484 bytes windows-dde.png (101484 bytes)
windsuck.png, 321 bytes windsuck.png (321 bytes)
winsongs95.png, 52010 bytes winsongs95.png (52010 bytes)
how_crash.jpg, 6269 bytes how_crash.jpg (6269 bytes)
linux2.jpg, 10118 bytes linux2.jpg (10118 bytes)
logo_virus.jpg, 17056 bytes logo_virus.jpg (17056 bytes)
msiexpld2.jpg, 2659 bytes msiexpld2.jpg (2659 bytes)
solution.jpg, 27583 bytes solution.jpg (27583 bytes)
OS-Wars.anim.gif, 6551 bytes OS-Wars.anim.gif (6551 bytes)
Wheretoday.anim.gif, 21425 bytes Wheretoday.anim.gif (21425 bytes)
antims-uk.anim.gif, 15515 bytes antims-uk.anim.gif (15515 bytes)
evangelist.gif, 351 bytes evangelist.gif (351 bytes)
iexpld3-f.anim.gif, 5946 bytes iexpld3-f.anim.gif (5946 bytes)
iexpld3-home.anim.gif, 18096 bytes iexpld3-home.anim.gif (18096 bytes)
iexpld3.anim.gif, 5698 bytes iexpld3.anim.gif (5698 bytes)
linux-contra-ms.anim.gif, 14050 bytes linux-contra-ms.anim.gif (14050 bytes)
mevil.anim.gif, 4114 bytes mevil.anim.gif (4114 bytes)
piss.anim.gif, 25452 bytes piss.anim.gif (25452 bytes)
sucks.anim.gif, 5697 bytes sucks.anim.gif (5697 bytes)

Generated with a modified version of Matt Kruse's Image Indexer.