Legacy web pages of Axel Beckert

Since I'm no more active at the Fachschaftsrat Informatik of the University of Saarland anymore, I have transferred all my university time legacy web pages from http://fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de/~abe/ to this interim host at http://fsinfo.noone.org/~abe/ with only minimal modifications, mainly e-mail addresses.

Most pages on this interim host won't be updated anymore until they are moved (and redirected) step by step to their future home somewhere under http://noone.org/.

Please also note that my former e-mail address abe@fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de is no more valid. Use abe@deuxchevaux.org instead.

Axel Beckert, Zürich, 23rd of September 2007


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GeekWear und GeekWare :-)


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The first five geeks really don't need any more explanations, do they? Hmmm, perhaps you don't know JWZ. Ever heard of XEmacs (okay, it's predecessor Lucid Emacs) Netscape Navigator 2 and 3, xkeycaps and the big brother database (bbdb)?

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This site is Emacs powered. Copyright © 1996 - 2024 by Axel Beckert <abe@deuxchevaux.org>
URL: http://fsinfo.noone.org:80/~abe/Links/.address.html
Letzte Änderung: Sonntag, den 23. September 2007 um @667 (17:01:07 Uhr CEST) ;   Größe: 10KB.