Legacy web pages of Axel Beckert

Since I'm no more active at the Fachschaftsrat Informatik of the University of Saarland anymore, I have transferred all my university time legacy web pages from http://fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de/~abe/ to this interim host at http://fsinfo.noone.org/~abe/ with only minimal modifications, mainly e-mail addresses.

Most pages on this interim host won't be updated anymore until they are moved (and redirected) step by step to their future home somewhere under http://noone.org/.

Please also note that my former e-mail address abe@fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de is no more valid. Use abe@deuxchevaux.org instead.

Axel Beckert, Zürich, 23rd of September 2007

wApua: A WAP Browser written in Perl/Tk

Programming Republic of Perl
Just another little Perl script... :-)

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wApua FAQ:

  1. Can I access WAP pages via a WAP gateway with wApua?
  2. Can wApua interpret WMLScript
  3. Can wApua interpret WML forms
  4. Can wApua display WMLC (Compiled WML) pages
  5. Can wApua display HTML?
  6. Why do my WML pages show up as plain text?
  7. When will the next version come?
  8. Why doesn't my ImageMagick support WBMP?
  9. I installed wApua with PREFIX=$HOME and when I call it, it doesn't work!


  1. Can I access WAP pages via a WAP gateway with wApua?

    No, wApua actually supports only the protocols supported by the libwww-perl, such as HTTP or FTP.

  2. Can wApua interpret WMLScript

    Nope. Not yet.

  3. Can wApua interpret WML forms

    No, but it may come with one of the next releases.

  4. Can wApua display WMLC (Compiled WML) pages

    No, but it may come with one of the next releases.

  5. Can wApua display HTML?

    No, but there probably will be external viewer support in one of the next versions.

  6. Why do my WML pages show up as plain text?

    This is probably a known bug in wApua: WML pages, written with old tools or by using old documentation have PHONE.COM instead WAPFORUM in their DOCTYPE string. wApua up to version 0.05 treats those WML pages as non-WML pages. This bug has been fixed with version 0.06.

  7. When will the next version come?

    When I got the time for writing it. But I don't know, when this will be... :-/

  8. I installed wApua with PREFIX=$HOME (or something similar) and when I call it, it doesn't work!

    This is truly a bug, but it seems to be in MakeMaker. At least the man page of MakeMaker pretends, that it should work, but it doesn't. Hope to get it fixed somehow in the next version.

    Meanwhile you can add the location of your local Perl libraries using -I to the shebang line of bin/wApua: Add "-I<PREFIX>/lib" the first line of bin/wApua, so that it looks somehow like that:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -I<PREFIX>/lib/perl5/site_perl/<PERL-VERSION>/
    where <PREFIX> is, what you set PREFIX to and <PERL-VERSION> the version number of the Perl version, you ran the Makefile.PL with.

    For example, in my case this line looks like this:

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -I/home/abe/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/

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Copyright © 2000-2025 by Axel Beckert (abe@deuxchevaux.org)  ·  Last modification: Mon, 04-Dec-2017, 01:51:54 (CET)
The wApua source code, the wApua web and the wApua WAP pages were all written with GNU Emacs.
The wApua logos were made with The GIMP (PNG and JPEG only; there are no GIFs) and ImageMagick (WBMP).
This page is best viewed with any browser, including text-only browsers like Lynx, w3m or links.