Legacy web pages of Axel Beckert

Since I'm no more active at the Fachschaftsrat Informatik of the University of Saarland anymore, I have transferred all my university time legacy web pages from http://fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de/~abe/ to this interim host at http://fsinfo.noone.org/~abe/ with only minimal modifications, mainly e-mail addresses.

Most pages on this interim host won't be updated anymore until they are moved (and redirected) step by step to their future home somewhere under http://noone.org/.

Please also note that my former e-mail address abe@fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de is no more valid. Use abe@deuxchevaux.org instead.

Axel Beckert, Zürich, 23rd of September 2007

Collection Of Windows Jokes - Real Error Messages

[Index] [Jokes ENG] [Jokes GER] [Short Stories] [Songs] [Prayers] [95 ?] [Pictures] [Fun Errors] [Real Errors] [Links ENG] [Links GER]

  1. Error: [Micro$oft] [ODBC Micro$oft Access 7.0 Driver] Error reservado (|); no hay mensaje para este error.

    Reservierter Fehler: Für diesen Fehler ist keine Fehlermeldung vorhanden.

    Reserved Error: There is no message for this Error.

    Inhalt siehe Text links.
  2. A German Windows 3.x error message:
    Windows-DDE: Eine Anwendung, die DDE benutzt, hat nicht auf den Befehl Schließen des Systems geantwortet.
    • Wählen Sie die Schaltfläche Wiederholen, um zu versuchen, die Anwendung zu beenden, und um dann zu Windows zurück zu kehren.
    • Wählen Sie die Schaltfläche Weiter, um wiederholt zu versuchen, die Anwendung zu beenden, und danach zu Windows zurück zu kehren.
    • Wählen Sie die Schaltfläche Beenden, um die nicht reagierende Anwendung zu schließen. Alle ungespeicherten Informationen dieser Anwrendung gehen dabei verloren.

    Windows-DDE: An application, which is using DDE, has not answered on the system's exit command.
    • Choose the button Repeat for trying to close the application and then return to Windows.
    • Choose the button Continue for trying again to close the application and return to Windows after it.
    • Choose the button Close for closing the not answering application. All information, which are not saved will be lost.
  3. Word für Windows 6.0 unter Windows 3.11:
    Am Dokument wurden zuviele Änderungen vorgenommen, das Dokument kann nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte speichern Sie ihre Arbeit und öffnen Sie das Dokument erneut.

    Word for Windows 6.0 under Windows 3.11:
    There were made too many changes to this document, so that it cannot be saved. Please save your work and open the document again.

To be continued...

[Index] [Jokes ENG] [Jokes GER] [Short Stories] [Songs] [Prayers] [95 ?] [Pictures] [Fun Errors] [Real Errors] [Links ENG] [Links GER]

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Last update: 23-Sep-07  17:01 (CEST)
page layout and source code © 1996-98 by Axel Beckert